Sabtu, 27 Juli 2013

Characteristics of Ciliate

I will discuss about the ciliate, one invertebrate animals in the phylum protozoa,

A. Common characteristics of ciliate

A locomotor cilia (hairlike). Ciliate members characterized by the presence of cilia (hairs vibrate) at a phase of his life, which is used as a tool motion and looking for food. Size cilia shorter than flagellum. Has two cell nucleus (nucleus), which makronukleus (large nuclei) that control the functions of everyday life by means of RNA synthesis, is also important for asexual reproduction, and micronuclei (small nuclei) that are exchanged during conjugation to the process of sexual reproduction. Found contractile vacuole that serves to maintain the water balance in the body. Asexual reproduction (transverse binary fission) or sexually (conjugation). Live free in the aqueous environment, living free in nature, symbiotic or parasitic on the human body or animal.  

B. Habitat living ciliate
Protozoa live in water or at least in the wet spot. They generally live freely and there in the ocean, freshwater environment. Some species are parasitic, living in the host organism. Host parasitic protozoa that can be either simple organisms such as algae, to complex vertebrates, including humans.

C. Morphology ciliate
Ciliate (Ciliophora), a locomotor cilia (hairlike). Ciliate members characterized by the presence of cilia (hairs vibrate) at a phase of his life, which is used as a tool motion and looking for food. Size cilia shorter than flagel.Memiliki 2 cell nucleus (nucleus), which makronukleus (large nuclei) that control the functions of daily life in a way  synthesis of RNA, is also important for asexual reproduction, and micronuclei (small nuclei) that are exchanged during conjugation for the reproduction process seksual.Semua ciliate have contractile vacuole. Vacuole may act as pumps to remove excess water from the cell, or to regulate osmotic pressure. Number and location of the contractile vacuole different in each species. Ciliate does not have a cell wall. Here is one example of an image from one class of ciliate species.
Figure paramecium
At the bottom of the interior there are slit mouth (oral groove) that continued to be in the direction of mouth forming cells (sitostoma) and continues through to the
esophagus (sitofaring gulet). In the mouth there is a gap behind the anal cell (sitopige) which serves to remove residual food digestion.

D. Physiology and life of ciliate
a. Physiology

Ciliate nonfotosintetik generally aerobic, but some ciliate can live in anaerobic environments such as in the gastrointestinal tract of human or ruminant animals. Aerobic ciliate mitochondria-containing enzymes have for aerobic metabolism, and to produce ATP through the process of electron transfer to the oxygen and hydrogen atoms.
In the ciliate group, there are organs like the mouth on the surface of cells called sitosom. Sitosom can be used to help catch food cilia. Once the food into the food vacuole then digested, expelled the rest of the cell through which was located next sitopig sitosom.
b. Life of ciliate
Ciliate same as animals that generally live in fresh water and in sea
have two cell nuclei (nucleus), the smaller is called the micronucleus
function at large while the proliferation of so-called makronukleus functions as a regulator in the process of metabolism, growth, and development and other processes in the body. The food is organic particles and other small creatures such as bacteria, algae or other protozoa. Food is pushed by cilia into the sitosoma (mouth) and passed through sitofaring (esophagus) into the food vacuole to digest with digestive enzymes, food vacuoles subsequently be circulated to all parts of the protoplasm and the protoplasm will absorb nutrients
from the vacuole.

E. Ciliate classification.
Kingdom: Animalia (animal world)
Phylum: Protozoa
Class: ciliate
Order 1. Holotrichida (same feather)
Had the same length at the ciliary body surface
Ex: Paramecium, Chilodon cucullulus
Order 2. Heterotrichida (not the same feather)
most of his entire body covered by cilia, except for certain areas
Ex: Stentor polymorphus, Bursaria truncatella

Order 3. Hypotrichida
Ex: Oxytrica bifaria (free-living), Kerona Pediculus (live parasites)

Order 4. Peritichida
almost no ciliary body except the mouth area
Ex: Vorticella Campanula (live in freshwater), Trichodina Pediculus (live parasites)

F. Benefits and disadvantages ciliate
a. Benefits:
    Paramecium to be an indicator of water pollution.

b. Losses:
  1. Balantidium coli, the cause of bloody diarrhea in humans.
  2. Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, is a type of parasite that causes skin damage in fish and can lead to death.
  3. Cryptocaryon irritans, can lead to impaired osmoregulation, and damage to the skin on the fish.

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